An Open Letter from Hollywood Actor Faran Tahir

By Faran Tahir “The eyes see. The ears hear. Yet somehow, the mind struggles to grasp the full dimension of this catastrophe. Almost 20 million people need shelter, food & emergency care. At least 160,000 square kilometers of land is under water – an area larger than more than half the countries of the world.

Devastating floods have affected the lives of millions of people in Pakistan. To assist in the response efforts, the San Deigo based  mobile chip maker Qualcomm has made a $50,000 donation to Oxfam America’s Pakistan Flood Relief and Recovery Fund. Oxfam America and its partners are currently working to provide safe evacuation to hundreds of

Call to Action: Help #Hash the Floods …

Twitter users, wondering how you can help the Pakistan Flood Relief cause? Here is one way:  re-tweet one of the following tweets ... Twitter Campaign 1 ...Corporate Matching Funds: It's about Us, Acting Now, for Them...HELP #Pkfloods victims. Get ur company to match: #<Companu> #<company> (via @arrafiq) Replace <company> with names of a well known Fortune 1000

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